Archive for April, 2008

Categories: Report

Geschützt: meeting report 28-04-08

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Categories: Presentations

Communication channel internet

Hi everybody,

here is our summary about the communication channel internet.


Categories: Media Simulator, Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS09

The new 360° circular model

Integrated Marketing Communication started in the 90th when Don Schultz came up with his book „The new marketing paradigma – Integrated Marketing Communication“. Get some more insight of the IMC planning model of Don Schultz and the futher development of 360° Marketing Circular Model by reading this summary.


Categories: Report


The questionair to evaluate the instruments. (Exel File)


Categories: Report

evaluation of the instruments

Here is the file of the cross-media instruments in English. We evaluated the instruments regarding to their attributes and purpose.

evaluation of the instruments

Categories: Report, Seminar SS08

Geschützt: Meeting Report 21_04_08

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Categories: Media Simulator, Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS09


Find some more information about the Intermedia-Model of and the niko-Index of tnsemind.


Categories: Report

Geschützt: Protocol of our meeting 7th April 2008

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