Categories: Report, Seminar SS08
Geschützt: meeting report 16.06.2008
17 Jun 2008 admin Um die Kommentare zu sehen, musst du dein Passwort eingeben.
Categories: Report, Seminar SS08
17 Jun 2008 admin Um die Kommentare zu sehen, musst du dein Passwort eingeben.
Categories: Seminar SS08
Thanks for your participation at the questionair. You can find the evaluation results of the suitability of different media instruments in the attached file.
Katrin & Nicole
15 Jun 2008 admin 0 comments
Categories: Presentations, Seminar SS08
What are Network effects?
A product displays positive network effects if more usage of the product by any user increases the product’s value for other users (and sometimes all users). Although network effects and network externalities differ from each other, and the two terms are still used interchangeably. The interchangeable use of the terms is caused by the theory which underlines that network effects were developed to study network externalities, but strictly speaking network effects is a more general concept than network externalities. If consumers are willing to pay more because of an expected rising number of network participants, a so-called network effects appears.
14 Jun 2008 admin 0 comments
Categories: Report
05 Jun 2008 admin Um die Kommentare zu sehen, musst du dein Passwort eingeben.