Archive for März, 2009

Categories: Media Simulator, Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS08, Seminar SS09

How to use the mediasimulator

In the download you will find the instruction how to use the mediasimulator. Please give scores regarding different aspect of the mediasimulator.


Categories: Campaign Analysis

Case: Wrigley

This is the case: Wrigley

Categories: Media Simulator

Geschützt: Minus L-einfach laktosefrei genießen

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Categories: Media Simulator

Geschützt: Deutsche Bank

Dieser Inhalt ist passwortgeschützt. Um ihn anschauen zu können, bitte das Passwort eingeben:

Categories: Campaign Analysis

Case „OralB“

This is the case: OralB

Categories: Campaign Analysis

Case „YellowStrom“

This is the case: YellowStrom