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Categories: Presentations, Seminar SS08

presentation PR-EVALUATION

presentation PR-EVALUATION

Categories: Report

Geschützt: Meeting_Report 21th_04_08

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Categories: Presentations

summary_cross media instruments

cross media instruments

Categories: Presentations

Weblog Measurement

By the technological convergence of media, IT and telecommunication, weblogs are generated as a new phenomenon of communication. More and more companies include weblogs strategically into their marketing mix for specific corporate and brand communications. In the USA there are already more than 5.000 corporate blogs, in Germany more than 300.
The Top-10 corporate blogs are ranked by different institutions with varying criteria. The following Top-10-list arranged (by technorati in May 2008) two main criteria: popularity (number of blogs linking to a website in the last 6 months, the higher the number, the more authority the blog has) and the number of blogs vs. number of links that’s being measured.

Categories: Report

Report 05-05-08

Report 05-05-08

Categories: Presentations

Net Promoter Score

Categories: Report

Geschützt: meeting report 28-04-08

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Categories: Presentations

Communication channel internet

Hi everybody,

here is our summary about the communication channel internet.


Categories: Report


The questionair to evaluate the instruments. (Exel File)


Categories: Report

evaluation of the instruments

Here is the file of the cross-media instruments in English. We evaluated the instruments regarding to their attributes and purpose.

evaluation of the instruments

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