All articles in the category 'Media Simulator'

Categories: Media Simulator

Geschützt: Alice Campaign

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Categories: Campaign Analysis, Media Simulator

Geschützt: Adidas +10

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Categories: Campaign Analysis

Geschützt: Casillero del Diablo – The Legendary Wine

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Categories: Campaign Analysis, Media University Stuttgart, New Business Marketing, Seminar SS09

Corporate Identity and 360°-marketing

Corporate identity is the basic prerequisite for a successful integrated marketing for brands and organisations. Get more information about corporate identity, the communication concept and the integrated marketing in Manfred Bruhn’s point of view. Additionally, more information about the communication activities and the enhancement of Apple’s corporate identity in the range of 360°-marketing is provided in the presentation of corporate-identity-and-360-degree-marketing.

Categories: Campaign Analysis, Media Simulator, Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS09

Geschützt: Jaegermeister brand rejuvenation

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Categories: Campaign Analysis, Media Simulator

Geschützt: bibop.the black one

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Categories: Campaign Analysis

Geschützt: SAMSUNG Home Entertainment

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Categories: Campaign Analysis

Geschützt: Mercedes-Benz C-Class Launch HK

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Categories: Campaign Analysis

Geschützt: Yes or No

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Categories: Campaign Analysis, Media Simulator

Whiskas „Happy Cat Moments“

This is the case of Whiskas‘ Happy Cat Moments-Campaign / Social Web

Whiskas is in searchof the happiest cat in the country. Therefore the producer of petfood“Mars” and SevenOneMedia, marketer of ProSiebenSat1, created together a crossmedia-campaign called “happiness happens”.

Goal of the campaign is to make the Social-web-platform „“ more known.


In the winter term 2008 a team of ten students evaluated 360° marketing campaigns. It was a team of tutors and members of association of students named „Marketing zwischen Theory und Praxis“ (MTP).  Please send a mail to to get admission.

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