All articles in the category 'Media University Stuttgart'

Categories: Media Simulator, Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS09

Academical Research Seminar on 360° Marketing

In the attachment you will find the starterkit of the academical seminar at Stuttgart Media University. The students of the Electronic Media Master are researching topics on 360° Marketing in this seminar. They will post status reports of different subjects during the seminar and will publish a booklet of 360° Marketing at the end of the summer term in July 2009  Starterkit2009.

Categories: Media Simulator, Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS09

360° Images

Be inspired by the 360° images and symbols. Think about what these pictures express. Is there any interpretation as a symbol? What is the strength, the meaning, the brightness of the 360° symbol? What is the impact to 360° Marketing?bildmotive1.png

Find some more symbols and post it as graffiti with your ideas.


Categories: Seminar SS09

What is 360° Marketing?

The discussion starts at the beginning of the 90th when the idea of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) came up in Europe and America. Don Schultz started in 1991 with an survey (Integrated marketing communication: a survey of national consumer goods advertising Northwestern University Report). He was the one who coined the item of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and established an institute and magazine on IMC at North Western University. Also in Europe Manfred Bruhn did research on IMC in those times. His status report can be read (in German).

Categories: Media Simulator, Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS09

360° Marketing Basics

There is a seminar on 360° Marketing/IMC together with the students of the electronic media master. You will find all material of this seminar in this category.

The 360° Marketing Basic lecture 360marketingimcbasic.pdf

Categories: Media University Stuttgart

The ethics of science – denkwerkstatt 2008

What is the ethics of a scientist? I was invited by the German associate of architectures to give a speech to this topic at the annual meeting of architectures in Germany, the so called denkwerkstatt 2009. Please have a look and post your ideas or comments. 

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