Categories: Seminar SS09
Geschützt: Mobile Marketing as an instrument of 360° Marketing
26 Jul 2009 admin Um die Kommentare zu sehen, musst du dein Passwort eingeben.
Categories: Seminar SS09
26 Jul 2009 admin Um die Kommentare zu sehen, musst du dein Passwort eingeben.
Categories: Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS09
24 Jun 2009 admin Um die Kommentare zu sehen, musst du dein Passwort eingeben.
Categories: Seminar SS09
22 Jun 2009 admin Um die Kommentare zu sehen, musst du dein Passwort eingeben.
Categories: Seminar SS09
22 Jun 2009 Kathrin Friedrich Um die Kommentare zu sehen, musst du dein Passwort eingeben.
Categories: Campaign Analysis, Media University Stuttgart, New Business Marketing, Seminar SS09
Corporate identity is the basic prerequisite for a successful integrated marketing for brands and organisations. Get more information about corporate identity, the communication concept and the integrated marketing in Manfred Bruhn’s point of view. Additionally, more information about the communication activities and the enhancement of Apple’s corporate identity in the range of 360°-marketing is provided in the presentation of corporate-identity-and-360-degree-marketing.
21 Jun 2009 admin 0 comments
Categories: Campaign Analysis, Media Simulator, Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS09
21 Jun 2009 admin Um die Kommentare zu sehen, musst du dein Passwort eingeben.
Categories: Evolution of marketing, Seminar SS09
As a result of our research we came up with a symbol: the six faces of a cube show the current developement in marketing. In the attached document you will find the outline for this concept. cube360marketing
21 Jun 2009 moedinger 0 comments
Categories: Seminar SS09
360° marketing has only a chance to work, if there a basis is established, which sets the stage for it. This basis is a respectable corporate identity of a company and especially its core values. It is needed to create a distinctive image of a company or product in the heads of consumers. Only this way assures a high recognition value.
Because of this fact, I have chosen this picture, which shows apparently a luscious peach stone. The picture shows the stone, which stands for the corporate identity, encircled by the pulp. The pulp represents all marketing activities linked to 360° marketing.
20 Mai 2009 admin 0 comments
Categories: Seminar SS09
In my opinion this picture, an eye having the total vision of the world, represents completely the idea of 360° marketing. It doesn’t deal with separately providing the tools, measures and communicative channels, delivering and internalizing messages, convincing the client and encouraging the purchase. It deals more with understanding the connections between all stakeholders of the company and their importance. To achieve this, business strategies (analysis, planning, organization, implementation and controlling) have to be implemented in the internal and external sources of communication for the organization to value the unity of all processes and their synergy.
26 Apr 2009 admin 0 comments
Categories: Seminar SS09
I chose the orchestra-picture in the context of 360° marketing.
In my opinion in a certain way it stands for interaction. All the musicians have to coordinate their work and go well together in order to make a good sound.
This is exactly what 360° marketing stands for. In the end all applied marketing instruments have to show up as integrative unit.
23 Apr 2009 admin 0 comments